Application to check packages for JNE, POS, Sicepat, Ninja, JNT J&T and US Dollar Exchange Rates
Aplikasi ini untuk melacak status paket Paket JNE, POS Indonesia, Sicepat, Ninja, JNT J&T, LION, Wahana, Anteraja dan Lainya. Sangat ringan dan kecil filenya. Sangat mudah digunakan. Ada fitur Scan barcode resi/ tidak perlu mengetikkan nomor resi.Hasil scan dapat disimpan dalam list, dan dapat di cek dikemudian hari.Juga tersedia menu cek kurs rupiah terhadap dolar amerika. Sehingga dapat memantau nilai kurs dolar amerika.This application is to track the package status of JNE, POS Indonesia, Sicepat, Ninja, JNT J&T, LION, Wahana, Anteraja and other packages. Very light and small file. Very easy to use. There is a receipt barcode Scan feature / no need to type the receipt number.Scan results can be saved in a list, and can be checked at a later date.There is also a menu to check the rupiah exchange rate against the US dollar. So that it can monitor the value of the US dollar exchange rate.Penyesuaian menu aplikasi